Please join us! St. Peter’s Church in the Great Valley is a place to gather in community for fun and socializing, and to help serve others. Throughout the year, we host events that knit our parish closer together and also provide opportunities for people from outside the parish to join us. Additional information on all types of events will be listed on our calendar.  We welcome and encourage the community to attend events and activities. Our most frequent activities are listed below. Upcoming Fall events include a community dinner with Jazz, a “Trunk or Treat” night, Blessing of the Animals and a choral Evensong service.

Wednesday Morning Prayer and Bible Study
Meets at 10:00 a.m. by Zoom. Details can be found under Adult Education.
Thursday Evening – Compline
Meets at 7:15 p.m. View the Livestream page for links using You Tube or Facebook for this evening service.

Book Club

Join us to explore A Gentleman in Moscow. Our Zoom discussion will be at 7:00 on  September 16th. The Zoom link will be provided in Keynotes, or you may contact   Visit our club page for additional details about the group. Please join us and invite a friend. The following months we will meet on October 21 to discuss The Highest Tide and on November 18 the Thursday Murder Club.

Needlework Ministry

Meets on the first Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the Historic Church. Needlework is followed by a light lunch. Occasionally, we meet in the Bank Barn. Contact, or view the church calendar, or visit Facebook to learn more.
Note on October 5th we will host a special Open House with a light brunch starting earlier at 9:30 for refreshments and chats.

Popcorn Theology

We typically meet on the second Monday of the month from 6-7 pm on Zoom to discuss the various elements of the film—moral, ethical, spiritual, and cinematic. The film should be viewed prior to the meeting. The Zoom link will be sent to the Parish email list on Sunday,  or to receive the Zoom link contact Member can also find it in Keynotes. All are welcome. We will resume meeting on October 14th to discuss the movie Rocky.

Red Cross Blood Drives

The next blood drive is scheduled for September 11th. Please register at and encourage your family and friends to donate too. For questions, please email

Women on the Hill

Typically, this group meets on the first Monday of the month, approximately each quarter), in the Historic Church, in the early evening. This is a time to enhance our connections, to share stories and learn from one another, and enjoy light refreshments.  This group will resume in the fall.

A note about volunteering

If you find that you have a few extra hours a month, there are a number of ways to give back by serving those in need or the church. It can also be a fulfilling way to connect with people, whether it is with other volunteers or those in the community who are being impacted. View the opportunities for giving back on our volunteering page.