Grounded in our faith, our group of Green Stewards works toward educating ourselves and others to encourage positive environmental actions within our parish and the wider community. Our church has affirmed the national church’s covenant to care for creation. Group efforts have included presentations at adult forums and participating in a multi-church effort, Plastic Free July to reduce single-use plastics. We have hosted a family day ( exploring Nature), and community Book Swaps. Our parish also includes a large beautiful campus with a labyrinth, bee hives and butterfly garden. For many years our clergy have supported a special time for Blessing of the Animals and more recently have added times for Holy Hikes, outdoor worship, and picnics.
We recommend connecting to the resources of the national Episcopal Church and the information under Creation Care. Also, one of our stewards coordinates a Facebook Page, Christian Care for the Environment, to highlight a wide range of issues and events and to provide reference articles for those who wish to explore these topics. At any time you could try the Eco-challenge created by Project Drawdown – a family-friendly way to learn and commit to changes. Parishioners also are implementing more sustainable practices church-wide. For further information, contact Brenda Grove c/o