St. Peter’s supports two thriving local education ministries that form and nurture children so that they can best utilize their God-given gifts and talents. Additional education is listed under St. Peter’s Preschool and Sunday School.

The Chester Children’s Chorus offers talented children from Chester, PA the opportunity to develop their musical gifts, expand their intellectual horizons, and strengthen their life skills. Children are invited to join the chorus on the basis of musical potential, enthusiasm, and family support. The music staff conducts annual auditions in second-grade classrooms in every public, charter, and religious school in Chester, and a new group of second-graders enters the chorus every summer. Families pay a modest annual fee for chorus participation. St. Peter’s supports the chorus by hosting concerts and providing financial assistance. See their April 2021 performance “You are Not Alone” on YouTube. Learn more.

St. James School is an Episcopal middle school in the Allegheny West neighborhood of North Philadelphia, educating traditionally under-resourced children in fourth to eighth grades and supporting them through high school and beyond. St. Peter’s supports the school by giving school supplies, tutoring students, knitting scarves and hats in school colors, providing financial assistance, and caring for the school property. In 2021 they expanded the school which opened the new space in 2023. See “Breaking New Ground”(video)

Additionally, we host youth from Philadelphia summer camps for a special camp day with us.